Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Why I stalled on my Petition???

Yes, about the petition and why I stalled on it? I have delayed this petition because a very good friend of mine asked me these questions
  • What is if it doesn't work? 
  • How many signatures do I need to be heard or seen? 
  • What if my account is hacked and the web page is redirected and the petition doesn't open for people to sign it?
So many ifs, isn't it but what exactly am I suppose to do? Is it to sit back and watch until I am killed? They are not offering me a way out in terms of the tags in us. They would torture me until I die; the solution they are offering me is sexual relationship with one of them with whom i'd die in his hands and then my kids would remain their tags therefore according to their theory inherited the torture as mental illness.

Please, I am using this medium to ask and to find out, the reasons why this petition wouldn't save the lives of my kids and I? I can't escape, I've written tens and thousands of complaints to IPCC;  the body that monitors and controls the activities of the Metropolitan police  tweeted hundreds @nogatwaay to them, posted the videos of the airplanes that were following us in london on egatwaay; yet nothing has worked. So this is about the last thing I may have to do, to be heard, to be saved, to end my misery, to save my kids lives and see them grow up.

They said I should pray and I've been praying but I do need practical solutions along with God's guidance and care.

So I am pleading and begging, please take a moment and click on this petition link to sign it, in other to save our lives and find peace wherever your are!!!

Thank you and please note that comments will be moderated.

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